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K2's 2023 Accessing And Managing Data In Excel WEBCAST


Your Desk

4.0 Credits

Using Power Query to link data into Excel. Manipulating Excel data with data transformations. Creating data models using Power Query. Examples of common and useful transformations.

Coaching the Next Generation of CPAs WEBINAR


Your Desk

2.0 Credits

Building a high-performing team comprised of multi-generational workers. How to effectively communicate with the millennial worker. Leveraging younger staff in business development opportunities. Measuring the productivity of a millennial workforce.

GASB 96 -SBITA, GASB 94 P3, and GASB 87 Leases (Year 2) WEBCAST


Your Desk

2.0 Credits

Requirements of GASB 96, GASB 94, and GASB 87. Implementation of GASB 96, 94 and 87.

Gamed: Why Performance Targets and Incentives Fail and How to Fix Them WEBCAST


Your Desk

4.0 Credits

Learn about the10-step ROKET-DS system, a simple structured method for designing meaningful targets and incentives. Create targets and objectives that align with your strategy. Build engagement with your target owners. Test your targets and incentives rigorously for unexpected outcomes and dangerous loopholes.

Understanding the Form 990 and its Preparation Prerequisites WEBINAR


Your Desk

2.0 Credits

Overview of the Form 990's design and goals in play upon the Core Form and tack-on Schedules. Address of the definition's key factors that make a third-party organization a "related organization." Exploring the definitions of parties who are to be disclosed as managers at Part VII-A and understanding what is the definition and measure of "reportable compensation." Working with the definitions of "family member" and "independence" as same are used in Parts VI and Schedule L. Applying the definition of "business relationship" as same is used in Part VI. Sequencing of the form's preparation tasks and who to go to for information. Working with the Board of Directors to have them understand what the completed Form 990 conveys to the public/regulators.

Are Your Leaders Causing Talent to Leave? WEBINAR


Your Desk

2.0 Credits

5 Aspects of a get-better-culture. Mindset shifts for remote and hybrid work environments.

Family Law 101 WEBCAST


Your Desk

4.0 Credits

Lifestyle issues: Does the client's lifestyle reflect the level of reported income? Undisclosed income. Transfers of cash between multiple bank accounts, related party transactions and mortgage refinancing. Owner perks. Tax deductions vs. family law deductions. Business entity-related issues such as partnerships, S corps and corporations.

Name that Tax Case! WEBCAST


Your Desk

4.0 Credits

Judicial tax doctrines such as the fruit of the tree, Arrowsmith and dominion and control. Cases relevant to understanding many areas involved in computing income tax liability and practice and procedure. Rules of statutory construction and relevance to tax research. Importance of significant tax cases to compliance, planning and tax research.

S Corporations: Tax Planning WEBCAST


Your Desk

4.0 Credits

Overview of the taxation of corporations and shareholders, including making the S corporation election. Built-in Gain Tax Planning. Self-employment tax and S corporations. Distribution tax planning. Planning to minimize the impact of loss limitations. Tax planning for years with both distributions and losses. Termination Planning. Tax planning regarding the transfer of appreciated assets to an S corporation. Buying and selling S corporations-tax planning ideas. Tax considerations of using the QSUB, Section 338(h)(10), or 336(e) elections. Tax Issues to consider at the death of S corporation shareholder. Stock redemptions as a tax planning tool. Accommodating a "non-qualified" investor. Trusts and tax-exempt shareholders. The second class of stock risks.

Best Practices for Tax Income and Expense Recognition WEBCAST


Your Desk

6.0 Credits

Cash receipts and disbursements method of accounting, including history. Cash method limitations, including tax shelters per IRC Sec. 448(d)(3), 461(i)(3) and 1256(e)(3). Cash method by small businesses, including Revenue Procedures 2001-10 and 2002-28 NAICS codes. Accrual of income and expenses, including history. Economic Performance and Recurring Item Exception, IRC Sec. 461(h). Deferral of Certain Advance Payments (Revenue Procedure 2004-34). Changes made to the above by the 2018 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

Hot IRS Tax Examination Issues for Individuals and Businesses WEBCAST


Your Desk

8.0 Credits

Prepare now and protect yourself from new audit examinations. What to do when there is identity theft. Understanding substantiation requirements for travel, charitable contributions, vehicles, meals, and virtual currency considerations. Gain an in-depth understanding of IRS hot examination issues including passive loss rules, real estate professional status, and the Section 199A provisions as they pertain to rental real estate. Identify how the IRS holds persons other than an employer liable for unpaid payroll taxes, a.k.a., the trust fund recovery penalty. Understanding IRS Audit Techniques Guides and Compliance Campaigns. Recognizing the 30-day letter and the 90-day letter, including what the taxpayer's responsibilities are.

K2's Business Intelligence, Featuring Microsoft's Power BI Tools WEBCAST


Your Desk

8.0 Credits

The importance of Business Intelligence in today's business climate. Differentiating between Power BI licensing options. A hands-on approach to creating effective Power BI reports and dashboards.

Comprehensive Passive Activity Losses (PAL) WEBCAST


Your Desk

8.0 Credits

Overview of the four loss limitation rules and how the PAL rules interact with the other limitations. Definition of a PAL including a detailed review of the 7 determining factors contained in the Treasury Regulations with a review of several recent court decisions that interpret this regulation. Impact of PAL rules on real estate ownership. Learn the six Nonshelterable Passive Activity (NOPA) rules that act as anti-abuse rules to the PAL rules. Discuss how the PAL rules impact tax credits. Discuss tax elections and planning techniques associated with PALs.

Accounting Data Analytics Mini-Course WEBCAST


Your Desk

2.0 Credits

Accounting data analytics.

Walkin', Talkin', Lookin' and Listenin' - Or Things Most of Us Don't Do Well WEBCAST


Your Desk

2.0 Credits

The importance of making yourself available. How to start a conversation and what to NOT talk about. The art of how to listen. When you don't understand what they just said. Don't fool by equivocations when they respond to a question. Materiality and perception.

Building Trust in Remote Teams: Catalyze Collaboration and Communication WEBCAST


Your Desk

1.0 Credits

Communication. Teamwork. Collaboration.

Measuring Audit Risks WEBCAST


Your Desk

3.0 Credits

The planning process - When it starts and when it ends. Determining the audit objectives. The importance of the nature, timing and extent of the audit process. The importance of professional skepticism. The preliminary engagement activities. Documentation of audit risk. Determining materiality.

Prevention and Detection of Fraud In Small Businesses WEBCAST


Your Desk

4.0 Credits

The importance of the control environment. The three most common behavioral red flags exhibited by perpetrators. Why it is much more cost effective to prevent fraud than it is to detect fraud. The reason why the small business owner/auditor should think about how they would steal. Who steals and why. Common myths about stealing that are not true. Understanding the concept of risk management.

How to Make Difficult People Disappear...Without Going to Jail WEBCAST


Your Desk

1.0 Credits

Team dynamics. Influence. Organizational behavior. Leadership.

Creating a Culture of Trust: Build Loyal and Engaged Teams WEBCAST


Your Desk

1.5 Credits

Culture. Trust.

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The Washington Society of CPAs is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of group-live and group-internet-based continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its web site: