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Showing 1333 Online CPE Results

Are Those Independent Contractors Really Independent Contractors? WEBCAST


Your Desk

1.0 Credits

Classification of workers as employees or independent contractors.

Building Flexible Budgeting Models: Walking Through and Crunching The Numbers WEBCAST


Your Desk

2.0 Credits

Budget defining. Budget cultures. Tactile budget issues. Ideas for budget solutions and process solutions. Understanding people in the budget process. Communicating your budget to non-financial types.

The Impact of ESG Matters on Financial Reporting and Audits WEBINAR


Your Desk

2.0 Credits

Overview of the impact environmental, social, and governance (ESG) matters have on the financial world. Evolving guidance from the AICPA and other stand-setters related to ESG matters. Risks of material misstatement in financial statements and related disclosures emerging from ESG matters.

Avoiding Budget People Issues: Managing Budgeting's Soft Side WEBCAST


Your Desk

2.0 Credits

Budget defining. Budget cultures. Tactile budget issues. Ideas for budget solutions and process solutions. Understanding people in the budget process. Communicating your budget to non-financial types.

Performance Management in Challenging Times WEBINAR


Your Desk

2.0 Credits

Building trust. Providing valuable feedback. Techniques for active listening.

Audit 108: Auditing PP&E and Leases - Common Risks WEBINAR


Your Desk

2.0 Credits

Typical audit risks and responses for tangible long-lived assets. Special issues related to initial recognition and capitalization, including capitalized interest. Key controls related to PP&E. Lease accounting requirements and practical application of Topic 842.

Budgeting: Presenting and Communicating your Numbers WEBCAST


Your Desk

2.0 Credits

Budget defining. Budget cultures. Tactile budget issues. Ideas for budget solutions and process solutions. Understanding people in the budget process. Communicating your budget to non-financial types.

Prix Fixe: Greatest Fraud Threats to Businesses WEBINAR


Your Desk

1.0 Credits

Detecting fraudulent activity within financial statements. Fraud risks. Consequences of fraud.

Business Intelligence and Business Analytics WEBCAST


Your Desk

2.0 Credits

The rise of business intelligence (BI), business analytics (BA), and Big data. Why the interest in BI and BA? The analytics continuum. How BA can provide a competitive advantage. The difference between BI and BA. The difference between forecasting and predictive analytics. Fundamentals of analytical techniques. Examples for the CFO and accounting function. Benefits from applying analytics. The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the accounting profession.

Understanding and Preventing Budget Calamities WEBCAST


Your Desk

2.0 Credits

Tactical budget issues. Ideas for budget solutions and process solutions.

Best Practices For An IRS Levy Or Wage Garnishment WEBINAR


Your Desk

1.0 Credits

Learning the pre-levy notice requirements. Knowing what the levy exemptions are. Proposing levy alternatives. Understanding the difference between wrongful levy versus erroneous levy. Knowing how to employ levy mitigation techniques.

Diversity, Inclusion, Equity and Belonging WEBCAST


Your Desk

1.0 Credits

Why you should be thinking about inclusion. How racism impacts your workplace at all. Where you might be vulnerable and unaware.

When Leadership Fails WEBCAST


Your Desk

2.0 Credits

Who's responsible. The importance of policies and procedures. The development, implementation and monitoring of internal controls. There is no excuse. Who steals. The tone at the top and the big monkey theory.

Minimizing Workplace Warfare WEBCAST


Your Desk

1.2 Credits

Sources of workplace conflict. Conflict resolution strategies. Communication skills and active listening. Conflict management techniques.

Navigating Difficult Conversations with Coworkers WEBCAST


Your Desk

1.0 Credits

Communication. Negotiation. Conflict. Persuasion. Management. Leadership.

Better Forecasts: Be a Better Predictor WEBCAST


Your Desk

2.0 Credits

Why an open mind and the ability to doubt helps make great predictions. Why it is better to be a fox than a hedgehog. How non-conformists change the world. How to focus on what matters. How to learn from the past without hindsight bias.

Basic Concepts of Governmental Accounting and Auditing WEBCAST


Your Desk

8.0 Credits

Governmental environment: cities, counties, special districts and other agencies. GASB 34 accounting and financial reporting, including measurement focus, the basis of accounting and f und accounting. Governmental auditing issues, including risk assessment and internal controls and compliance. GASB Pension and OPEB Standards. Update GASB's standards, including GASB No. 87, Leases. Review GASB's Exposure Draft on Financial Reporting Model Improvements.

Tone at the Top: Fraud and Leadership WEBCAST


Your Desk

8.0 Credits

Fraud. Accounting and auditing.

Social Media: The Bare Necessities WEBCAST


Your Desk

1.0 Credits

Communication. Social media. Marketing. Publicity. Public relations. Business strategy.

Planning in an Uncertain World WEBCAST


Your Desk

2.0 Credits

Why great predictions are not intuitive but the result of critical thinking, gathering information and updating predictions when needed. How to separate correlation from causation. How to recognize and overcome bias. Who is Thomas Bayes and why he matters.

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The Washington Society of CPAs is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of group-live and group-internet-based continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its web site: