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OMB Uniform Guidance Administrative Rules ON DEMAND

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8.0 Credits

Member Price $232.00

Non-Member Price $267.00


The administrative rules in the Uniform Guidance for federal grants cover a lot of ground. Let Sefton Boyars and Bill Allen guide you through these requirements for managing grants from the grantee, the grantor, and the auditor perspective. Sefton and Bill will provide you with hard-earned insights into the trickier, unexpected clauses that could hang you up. This course covers the latest administrative rules published in the OMB Uniform Guidance Admin Rules inTitle2: Part 200 of the Code of Federal Regulations (also known as: Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards).


General Principles and Basic Premises. Acronyms and Definitions of Uniform Administrative Requirements. General Provisions. Pre-Federal Award Requirements. Post-Federal Award Requirements.



Designed For

CPAs, auditors, accountants, controllers and financial professionals.


Describe the regulations underlying the uniform administrative requirements applicable to state and local governments and nonprofits. Identify key government regulators and their related acronyms. Differentiate among the four layers of regulations regarding federal award administration. Define terms used in the uniform administrative requirements. Identify the pre-federal award requirements in 2 CFR 200. Identify the contents of federal awards as set out in 2 CFR 200. Describe the post federal award requirements regarding property standards. Examine the post federal award requirements regarding procurement standards. Identify the requirements regarding performance and financial monitoring and reporting. Differentiate among the rules related to recipient record retention and access. Contrast the characteristics of a subgrantee with those of a contractor for the purposes of subrecipient monitoring and management. Identify remedies for noncompliance. Determine when an award may be closed out and what is affected by the award closeout.






Leader Bios

Sefton Boyars, Sefton Boyars CPA

Until his retirement in October 1996, Mr. Boyars had functioned as the Department of Education’s Regional Inspector General for Audit in Regions IX and X for sixteen years. During his 35-year career, Mr. Boyars worked for a variety of governmental audit agencies, including the Internal Revenue Service; the Department of Defense; Health, Education and Welfare; the U.S. Department of Education and a California county. Mr. Boyars is active in his profession. He is a member of the California CPA Society and currently serves as the Chair of his chapter’s Government Accounting and Auditing Committee and is a member of the State Government Accounting and Auditing Committee. He also sits on the Qualifications Committee of the California State Board of Accountancy. He is a past Chair of the Western Intergovernmental Audit Forum and often served as chair or co-chair of its subcommittees and roundtables. Mr. Boyars is a past President of the San Francisco chapter of the Association of Government Accountants. He continues his active participation in his local Chapter. Mr. Boyars is an experienced trainer and has taught for many organizations, including the U.S. Department of Education, Management Concepts, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the California State Controller, the California Association of State Auditors, the Los Angeles City Controller and the Association of Government Accountants. He received AGA’s National Education and Training Award for 1998.

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Non-Member Price $267.00

Member Price $232.00