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Portability: Now More Important than Ever FLEXCAST

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2.0 Credits

Member Price $98.00

Non-Member Price $113.00


New IRS Revenue Procedure - the Coming Sunset of the 2017 Act - Portability must be addressed! This program offers a clear explanation of the portability rules - how they work and when portability should be used in estate and tax planning. It will address the advantages and disadvantages of making the portability election. The program will also look at how the portability issue is addressed on the Federal Estate Tax Return (Form 706) and Federal Gift Tax Return (Form 709). The portability election for using the unused exclusion of a deceased spouse is a powerful estate and income tax planning tool that all practitioners should be aware of.


Availability of Portability. DSUE. Form 706 Part 6.



Designed For

CPAs and other tax professionals.


Obtain a comprehensive basic understanding of portability rules and what they intend to accomplish. Get the latest information about new IRS portability election timing issues. Understand and Calculate the Deceased Spouse Unused Exemption (DSUE). Know when and how to assure the portability election is made. Address how portability is handled on tax reporting forms. Gain awareness of the circumstances when portability should be embraced or ignored.




This is a FlexCast (no exam required) and may be viewed only Monday - Saturday, 5am - 5pm PT. You may take up to one year from the date of purchase to complete the course. Pause your FlexCast and resume at a convenient day during the hours above. Partial credit for 2+ credit courses: If you are unable to complete the course in one sitting, partial credit can be awarded (minimum of one credit). To earn the remaining credits, you must return later and start the course from the beginning. Use chat to ask questions of a subject matter expert during the program.


Leader Bios

Steven Siegel, Western CPE

Steven G. Siegel, JD, LLM, is president of The Siegel Group, which provides consulting services to attorneys, accountants, business owners, family offices, and financial planners. Based in Morristown, New Jersey, the Group provides services throughout the United States.

Steven is the author of many books, including: The Grantor Trust Answer Book (2018 CCH); The Adviser’s Guide to Financial and Estate Planning(AICPA 2019); Federal Fiduciary Income Taxation (Foxmoor 2019); and Federal Estate and Gift Tax (Foxmoor 2016). He is also a co-author with Richard Oshins, Esq. of The Anatomy of the Perfect Modern Trust, Estate Planning Magazine January and February 2016.

In conjunction with numerous tax-planning lectures he has delivered for the National Law Foundation, Steven has prepared extensive lecture materials on the following subjects: planning for an aging population, business entities, preparing the audit-proof federal estate tax return, business acquisitions, representing buyers and sellers in sale of a business, dynasty trusts, planning with intentionally defective grantor trusts, estate planning, S corporations, divorce, and many others.

Steven has delivered hundreds of lectures to thousands of attendees in live venues and via webinars throughout the United States on tax, business, and estate planning topics on behalf of numerous organizations, including Western CPE, the Heckerling Institute on Estate Planning, Notre Dame Tax and Estate Planning Institute, CCH, National Law Foundation, AICPA, Yale School of Management, University of Chicago Business School, the National Society of Accountants, Cohn-Reznick, Foxmoor Education, many state CPA societies and estate planning councils, and on behalf of private companies.

He’s presently serving as an adjunct professor of law in the graduate tax program (LLM) of the University of Alabama School of Law, and he has served as an adjunct professor of law at Seton Hall University and Rutgers University law schools.

Steven holds a bachelor’s degree from Georgetown University (magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa); a juris doctor from Harvard Law School; and an LLM in taxation from New York University Law School.

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Non-Member Price $113.00

Member Price $98.00